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HOCHBAHN becomes climate neutral

Climate change concerns us all! It is one of the most critical global risks of our time. With urban mobility, we have an important lever to reduce Hamburg's ecological footprint.

Unser Weg zur Null

Our projects

From the first underground to the first zero-emission buses to autonomous vehicles - HOCHBAHN has been moving Hamburg for well over 100 years. The vision of comfortable, optimally networked and environmentally friendly mobility for Hamburg drives us every day and makes us the motor for innovation. Yesterday today and also tomorrow: Find out everything about our current projects such as the new U5, digital ticketing or Hamburg's e-buses here.

Zu den Projekten

We live diversity

Hamburg is colourful. So is HOCHBAHN. We meet diversity with diversity. We speak out against discrimination of any kind. Because we stand for respect and take the issue of diversity seriously. Because respect is the only way forward for all of us: customers and employees.

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Corporate and Sustainability Report

The whole world of HOCHBAHN: Find out here in our corporate and sustainability report how we bring Hamburg into step with zero emissions. In our GRI Report, we also report comprehensively on all our sustainability activities. All facts and figures are also available in the management report and annual financial statements.

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